Critical management studies (CMS) is a field of inquiry that focuses on the study of management and organizations from a critical perspective. This means that CMS scholars are interested in exploring how management practices and organizational structures can be used to oppress, exploit, or otherwise harm people or groups. CMS scholars also strive to offer alternatives to traditional management approaches that may be more just and equitable.

CMS is sometimes referred to as “radical management studies” due to its focus on challenging dominant power structures within organizations. However, not all CMS scholars take a radical perspective; some may simply advocate for more humane and ethical management practices, without calling for any major changes to the status quo.

While CMS emerged primarily within business schools in the 1980s, it has since grown to encompass scholars from a variety of disciplines, including sociology, anthropology, political science, and history. CMS is a truly interdisciplinary field that is constantly evolving as new perspectives and approaches are brought to bear on the study of management and organizations.