Design management is the business side of design. It is the process of managing the development of a product from its conception to its eventual release. Design management includes all aspects of a product’s lifecycle, from ideation and concept development to engineering and manufacturing.

Design management is a relatively new field, and as such, there is no one agreed-upon definition. However, most experts agree that design management encompasses both the strategic and operational aspects of running a design team or department.

Strategic design management focuses on setting goals and objectives, while operational design management deals with the day-to-day tasks of running a design team. These two aspects are often intertwined, as the decisions made on a strategic level will have a direct impact on the day-to-day operations of the team.

Some common activities involved in design management are:

– Defining the design brief

– Managing the budget

– Scheduling and milestone planning

– Resource allocation

– Quality assurance

– Risk management

– Design reviews

The role of a design manager is to ensure that all of these activities are carried out effectively, and that the final product meets the standards set forth in the design brief. In many cases, the design manager will also be responsible for communicating with other departments within the company, such as marketing, engineering, and manufacturing.

Design management is a critical part of bringing a new product to market. By ensuring that all aspects of the design process are managed effectively, design managers can help to avoid costly delays and product failures.